Friday, December 9, 2011

This is iT...


I don't care if this is racist or what, but come one, what's gonna end up everything I hang out with you guys?!
Perhaps imma Stingy person, and easy to get pissed, if i am, yeah, you 2 just never failed to make me pissed. Mtfs.

Learn to respect people before you talk shit about people, Your religion din't educate you about that? If that, i'm proud of my religion although im kinda free thinker here.
What? People who drinks, "Arrh, no life". Look at yourself, who are the one lifeless now, How do u understand life of a drinker while you don't drink? Judge from the views that your religion taught you? Can you be just like your other friend and start learn some respect?
Don't ever think everyone can stand for your arrogant and "bullshit" talks, there are actually sounds exactly stupid to me!

Don't mess with Chinese!!!